Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DIY: Glasses Mask

Start with a piece of white card/paper (a rectangle that is a few centimeters bigger than the size you want the  finished mask to be), fold the rectangle in half and draw half of the shape of the mask on one side with the middle on the fold side, while folded cut the mask out, and cut out holes for the eyes....and you will get something like this.....  

Get a pair of old glasses (I have used a pair of 3D glasses from the movies) and pop out the lenses

Cover the mask in glue..... 

Sprinkle some glitter over the whole mask (I used gold but you can use any colour!).....you will have to repeat this step a few times to get full coverage

Once fully covered in glitter, leave it to dry (preferably over night)

Decorate the sides of the glasses with anything you can find...I used sequins, but you could also use gems, glitters etc

Then stick the mask onto the glasses frame and leave to dry (preferably over night)

 And there you have it......your glasses mask is complete!

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